Put an end to the test-related anxiousness. I'll make sure you're ready to give it your all.


Week 1

My name is Tabitha, I graduated from a private college in September 2022. In the beginning of 2022, I became a single mom which affected me financially and mentally. I feel like I didn’t give my all in my last quarter. I was on edge the entire quarter trying to work full time, being a mom, getting my role transition hours in, going to class and studying/homework. I luckily pushed through and passed the quarter, but I went in to take the NCLEX not that confident and failed once. I’ve taken the test only once and have not had the confidence to re-test again. Being a single mom and having to pay for this course made me nervous. I waited until the day before the course started to pay for it. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but I know nursing is something I’ve always wanted to do since I was little. I did not want to give up so I’m taking the financial risk right now so that my future is set for me and my son.

What helps me is working one on one with someone or in a small group. I do not like to read; I’d rather do questions and read rationales than read a textbook. What I can do to be better is be more organized and come up with a schedule to give myself more time to study and do questions. I struggle trying to balance being a mom, working, and house chores along with studying/doing questions for the NCLEX.

I’m still a little nervous about this class and what to expect but so far week one, I’ve learned a lot. My scores were average or above average which made me feel good about myself because Nick said below average is okay in the first week. I’m excited and nervous to see what the next weeks scores will look like.

Week 2

Going into week 3, I’m excited and nervous. The weeks are going by fast which makes me nervous because that means my test date is coming up. I’m excited because we’re moving forward and going to get into medsurg where I feel I need help. What’s helpful to me is reading a question out loud, it helps me interpret the question a lot better and helps me point out important details. I haven’t been doing 50 questions each day like I should, but I still do at least 10 a day but they don’t get submitted right away because I make a 50-question set. My scores were above average at first, but they declined when I started doing musculoskeletal questions. I read the rationales to help me understand the questions and know any extra information it gives me.

Week 3

In week 3, I’ve started doing more questions and reading the rationales from previous test. I always read them after I chose my answer, but I started going back to previous test to read rationales again to help understand the concept. I’ve noticed a little bit more confidence in myself when answering questions in class. I’ve been getting more excited about questions because I can understand a lot better than week 1 and 2. I think that helps motivate me to do more questions. I can improve on reading from the book. I really struggle with reading. I feel like I cannot comprehend well after reading, it just doesn’t stick to me. I do best when asked questions by someone or doing practice questions rather than reading material. I’m not gonna lie, I still feel nervous to retest again but I have already built a lot more confidence and a little excitement since week 1 by the material we have gone over the last few weeks.

Week 4

After week 4, I feel about the same as last week continuing to build more confidence in questions and material. I’m still reading rationales and looking over previous test over and over. I am going to start retaking questions I’ve missed. My test anxiety is increasing as my test day is approaching. I remember my anxiety being high the first time around. I could barely eat the day before and day of but I l wasn’t as confident in myself so I’m hoping my anxiety isn’t as bad as last time since I’m feeling more confident in knowing material. I’m excited to learn about pediatrics since I didn’t have a good teacher in school. I struggled with peds when I was doing questions in my last quarter of nursing school. As nervous as I am, I am also really excited to take the NCLEX. I am ready to be done with all of this and start my career as a nurse. I want this more than anything right now and I’m not giving up. I may miss a day or two of questions, but I try my best making it up by doing 100 questions a day instead of 50.

Week 5

After week 5, I have much more confidence in myself. My scores stay above average, we took the practice assessment and the score I got gives me even more confidence. I also, was the first person done testing and that usually never happens. I think that it’s because I knew the content on each question. I won’t lie, I feel very nervous because we have less than a week left and then it’s test day. My anxiety is not as high as it was first time around. This week I’m going to do 100-150 questions a day to try to knock out the rest of questions on Uworld and go over rationales of all the questions I missed and then re-take the missed questions. I am nervous but also excited that this week I could be a nurse!

After passing the NCLEX

Since I’ve passed the NCLEX, I have felt so relieved. I can finally start my dream job that I have worked so hard for. I’m excited to start working as a nurse helping people. Before this 6-week class, I had no confidence and no motivation to even study or do practice questions. I was a little depressed because I felt very discouraged. I had heard about Nicks class but didn’t like the idea of paying $2,000 for a 6-weeks course. He helped me work out a very reasonable payment situation, and I came up with some extra money to pay for my test.

But I felt like I wasn’t confident and as I was scrolling on Facebook one day, I saw a CodeBreaker post. I knew I wanted to be a nurse so bad and that I shouldn’t give up, so I messaged Nick and reached out and told him how I felt. He recommended I take the 6-week course and assured me how worth it; it would be. I had Nick as a pharm teacher in college, so I knew he was capable of teaching. The first week I realize how much of a knowledge deficit I had. In the first few weeks, I wasn’t putting as much effort in as Nick wanted. I was still trying to get in the hang of things and what worked for me. I couldn’t read the NCLEX prep book, I’m not a reader. I can’t retain information as well from reading. What worked for me was doing 50+ questions a day even though some days I may not have done them I did more than 50 on other days. I also showed up to Wednesday night Uworld questions review that Nick was doing free for the community at the library. This was on top of attending the class 3 days a week.

The repetition that Nick does in the class really helped me. Him asking questions and making us answer really made me focus and pay attention. Nick always checked in on us especially when we weren’t updating him and reaching out. He always sent motivation text that really helped. He always assured us how smart each of us are and updated us each week on how we were progressing. Nick is the best hype man. It’s great to hear our friends and family tell us how smart we are and that we’re gonna pass but to hear it from Nick is honestly better. Nick monitors our scores on Uworld, he knows how much we know when we answer his questions in the class. He knows how much effort we put in. He knows what we are capable of way more than our friends and family. I believe with all the knowledge I learned in Nicks class, all the motivational words he gave us, and positivity, this is the reason I passed. I struggled a little bit financially as a single mom for 6 weeks so that I could take this class and I would do it all again if I had to. He’s very reasonable with payments circumstances and professional. I will always recommend Nick for anyone struggling with the NCLEX and will tell them my story if they try to tell me they don’t want to pay that much. He is extremely reasonable and accommodates his students. Every penny was well worth it!

"*" indicates required fields

Current Student*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
The initial payment is a $500 non-refundable deposit that covers the cost of the 6-week room rental and their $199 subscription to UWorld.
This will be for the 6-week class. It starts 9/25/23 - 11/2/23 4pm-7:30pm and 1/8/24 - 2/15/24 1pm-4:30pm classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This will be online via Zoom
Are you eligible to take the NCLEX now?
Do you have your Approval to test from the state board?
Have you started the process?
February 17, 2025 -March 27, 2025
February 17, 2025 -March 27, 2025


Are you a nursing school or healthcare system looking for better learning outcomes or interested in sponsoring students for staffing?

